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The library subscribes to a number of online databases and electronic resources to assist students and staff in their research. These databases grant access to academic journals, ebooks, newspaper articles, streaming videos, citation and abstract databases, book reviews, magazine articles and so much more! To access the library databases, you can either use the A-Z database list or utilize Primo.
If you enter a search term in the library's catalog (Primo), it will populate results from everything we have access to, including physical books, periodicals, and our electronic resources. To get to the library catalog, go to and enter a search term where it says search the catalog.
Make sure you sign into Primo with your Black Hills State University email and password to ensure accurate results and to view your library account. After searching, you will see results that say online access available. Click on a result to view access options. Under online availability you will see the database the material is available in. Click on the database and a new tab will open. Some material will be available in multiple databases. If there is a specific database you prefer, you can filter the results to choose that database by using the facets on the left hand side. Occasionally, you will see a search result that has the option to "Get PDF", if you click on this it will immediately load the PDF via the database. While Primo will work well for most research, there are some databases that don't show results in Primo. Using a database directly is more effective for advanced searches.
The other way to use the library databases is to go to the A-Z database list. This can be reached by clicking the All Databases button on the library main page, clicking the Databases A-Z tab at the top of the page when you search in Primo, or by clicking the link below.
The databases are listed in alphabetical order, but you can also sort by subject, database type or vendor in the drop down menus. If you are writing a psychology paper, it may help to change the subject in the dropdown menu to Psychology to see the relevant databases. If you are an Education major, you can familiarize yourself with all the database options by changing the subject to Education. Databases with a lock icon next to them require you to be signed in with your BHSU email to access them. An unlocked icon means the database contains Open Access, so anyone can access it.
Databases categorized as a "Best Bet" are chosen by our librarians as the most relevant database to use for a specific subject. The featured databases are some of our most popular databases. Keep an eye out for new/trial databases, we are constantly trying to find new resources to assist you in your studies!
When accessing the databases, many of them require you to be signed in with your BHSU email. If not already signed in with your email, you should be prompted to sign in when you access a database. This will grant you access to all the content the library subscribes to in a database. Almost all the databases can be used remotely/off campus once you are authenticated by email. The genealogy databases must be used in the library. If you have any authentication/access issues when using a database, the easiest troubleshooting solutions are to refresh your browser, try a different browser or clearing the cache of your browser. Make sure to either use Primo or the A-Z list to get to a database first or you may encounter a paywall. If you cannot remember your BHSU email or password you must contact the IT Help Desk.
If you have any database questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either or the library at