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Interlibrary Loan : (ILL)

Explanation of the Interlibrary Loan service and instructions on how to place a request.

What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows patrons of one library the privilege to borrow books, DVDs, etc. and/or receive photocopies of documents owned by another library. Even the most well-equipped library can't afford to purchase all the materials needed for their academic community. ILL is a critical tool for research.

In other words, if BHSU does not provide immediate access to the journal article or book you need tor your research, we can still get the materials for you!


How do I place an ILL request?

1. Log in to your library account.

2. Click the Interlibrary Loan tab at the very top. 

3. Plug in the necessary information and hit submit. This step double checks your material search against our own library collection.

4. If BHSU does not own the item, you will click Resource Sharing and then hit Send Request. If you get a confirmation that your request was successfully placed – you’ve done it!

You will receive a system generated email sent to your BHSU email address when the item is ready to be picked up. Having all students, faculty and staff submit their own requests through the system helps the ILL Department with tracking and statistics, and allows the patron track the status of their own request as well as access their library card to see what they have checked out, when something is due, etc.

Interlibrary Loan Guidelines

  • This library service is free to BHSU and BHSU/RC students, faculty, and staff.
  • We do not place requests for community patrons. Our community patrons are encouraged to contact Grace Balloch Memorial Library or their local public library for Interlibrary Loan assistance.
  • Please allow between 7-10 days for your physical material to arrive at the library. You will be notified of its arrival through your BHSU email. 
  • Physical items will be placed at the Information Desk for you to pick up at your convenience during regular library hours.
  • Materials sent electronically will be sent directly to your BHSU email account.
  • Existing overdue ILL materials may impact a patron's ability to place additional requests.
  • Materials borrowed from other libraries have their own distinct due date. In order to request a renewal, you must contact the ILL Department 3 business days before the due date in order to secure time to communicate with the Lending Library.

Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States


Contact Us

Did you know that the Interlibrary Loan service is staffed by BHSU students? While the department is supervised by a Librarian, we task and trust our student employees to process all Interlibrary Loan workflow. 

Questions? Please contact the Interlibrary Loan Department at

If you do not get a response within 48 hours, contact

Reference & Instruction Librarian