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Innovation Lab: Innovation Lab Blog

This guide provides information about the Innovation Lab: BHSU's campus makerspace.

Videos are Consuming

by Aaron Bauerly on 2021-12-07T12:14:52-07:00 in Art, Library, Technology | 0 Comments

Whew! I apologize for going so long without an update. I had to learn the basics of time lapse settings on a GoPro, some Premiere video editing, and multi-filament 3D printing all in one go!

Here is a video briefly demonstrating the Prusa multi-material addon being used to 3D print a model using five different colors. This may not seem like much, but 3D printing buffs I've shown the finished model to have all been blown away. (Note: not by the model design, but the fact that everything was accomplished in one print!)

We even had a few flubs along the way, but thankfully the printer is equipped with a myriad of error detection mechanisms that pause the print until someone can attempt to salvage the process (e.g., reload a broken filament strand). A successful test!

Another quick update: even with the backorders, the computers have started showing up! I'm working with the esteemed Mr. Ryan Delzer to load all the crazy software and applications. Hopefully some of the other software purchases go through soon so we can have more to share.


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